Tomatoes, Peonies, and Boots: A Typical Saturday in Cannes

Day 313, Cannes, France

Cannes, France

A Saturday in Cannes goes something like this. You wake up and walk through the streets for a coffee and pan chocolat in Paul’s with the Paul. The shops are still closed, only a few deliveries being made, albeit the most important ones.

Cannes, FranceCannes, France

Gnarly bread, my favorite.Cannes, FranceCannes, France

We took our coffee and pastries to the waterfront to watch a few boats going in and out of the marina.

Cannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, France

The market is set up and serving the early risers,  mostly retirees. The larger crowds comes later, families with their dogs, tourists, yachters or yacht staff.Cannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, France

Here’s the market early in the morning…Cannes, France

and how it looks later.Cannes, France

The produce market had outstanding looking tomatoes and peonies. There were other beautiful fresh items for sale, but these were exceptional.Cannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, FranceCannes, FranceAfter the market Paul and I went shopping for shoes for me so I have something more than just runners to wear. With all the shops here, that wasn’t difficult. After that we went and sat outside in the sun on a sidewalk in a cafe,  facing the water, and watched the world go by. We ended the day with a dinner in a restaurant next to the ocean with moules frite.