Tooth Fairy and Mosquito Netting

Happy Birthday Mia!

This morning the Spanish teacher didn’t make it to class. I waited for a half an hour, but she wasn’t there. It was odd because I saw her at 7:30 when Cali and I were waiting for her tuk tuk. She’d run to the store for necessary paper products, accompanied by her usual pack of dogs. Said she’d see us in a little while. It was odd that she didn’t show, but I’m sure there will be a reason for it. We tried to call her, but there was no answer. Tomorrow is her birthday and we bought her a piece of her favorite cheesecake. If she doesn’t come to school again, we will drop it off at her house.

I went from Spanish up to Cali’s school to pay her fees for the month. I stopped at the market on the way. Then I went for a quick cup of coffee, because that’s the most important beverage of the day. I saw Alejandro, the caretaker of the house we lived in last time. We talked for a bit. Then when I was at PanaSuper I saw him again. I told him I’d buy him a fresh cinnamon bun if he’d stop following me around town. He thought that was funny and said he’d accept any free food. Next I stopped at the Galeria to see when the next art show is. It’s this Saturday. There is a group of Guatemalan and Norwegian artists who have been doing a show together for many years. It’s a collective effort to commemorate of the peace agreement that was created in Oslo, for the civil war that happened here in Guatemala in the 1990s. I have to look in to the history of that one a bit more, especially before I go to the art exhibit. The owner also told me about a Valentine’s Day exhibition which also sounds interesting.


When Cali came home she was excited because she lost one of her two loose teeth. Then she expressed great concern that the toothfairy will get caught up in the mosquito netting. The tooth fairy phenom with Cali has been interesting. She has never believed in Santa Claus, wasn’t too invested in that guy being real. But the whole toothfairy thing, she has been tres invested in. Perhaps she’s a bit more money-focussed than the other girls. Ever since she lost the first tooth she has wanted to believe in the toothfairy. Then she’ll want me to level with her if it’s real or another parental scam. I did the toothfairy avoidance dance for a while, answering her question with a question, the usual. She didn’t like that. She wanted facts, a simple yes or no to the winged wonder. Will the true money-bags please stand up. I leveled with her and confirmed her suspicions. But by the next tooth, she seems to believe in the toothfairy all over again, square one. Then after she gets her loot, she wants to know exactly who put it there. This time there is a new issue, currency. She wants to know if she will get her money in Canadian dollars, US dollars, or Qs. I asked her what she thought, and she thought she’d get Qs (question answered). Then she asked which currency is worth more and whether she could leave a note requesting US currency. I told her I didn’t think that would be such a good idea, that she should just be fine with whatever shows up. Now the toothfairy has to deliver.

Cali’s day: Today I had lots and lot of fun, even though it was a weird day. The first thing that was weird about my day was that I lost my tooth. When I first got to school I had mathematics, then I had computer class. It was a different computer class, because we didn’t actually use the computers. So it was more of a non-computer computer class with other work. In English class we all drew our dreams house. My house looked very different from everyone else’s house. Mine had so much detail on it that I didn’t get it done and had to take it home to finish. Then we had lunch and went outside and played the usual game, yay! When we came in we all brushed our teeth. Only my tooth’s corner was stuck. I told my friend that I thought I could turn my tooth upside down. Then she said, “Really, really, really?” Then she covered her mouth like she was going to be really grossed out. I turned it upside down and pop goes the weasel, it was out. I told my friend that it fell out and she told the teacher. Then we had science. I forget what we did in science because I was thinking about the new hole in my mouth instead. That’s kind of sciency, I figure. Then I came home. We went to pick Madi up from school and I decided to go to the bathroom. This was the next weird part of my day. I got locked in the bathroom. I guess I shut the door too hard. I decided not to call mom because she was having a nice conversation. But eventually she said, “Cali, are you ok?” Then I said I was stuck in the bathroom and mom explained how to unlock the door. When I got out I was kinda sad because I was worried. On the walk home from school we saw a man who was coming up from the lake. He had 6 huge fish tied to his handlebars. They were very fat and long greenish fish. When we got home I did my homework. I had to finish my dreams house, I had to write in cursive words my twos times tables up to 50 in Spanish, then I have to make a hand. On each finger I have to put 1. my name, 2. my qualities of character, 3. my aptitudes, 4. things I like to do and 5. my dreams. How is all of that going to fit on my fingers, I’d like to know. That’s how my day went today everyone. Tomorrow I don’t have school so I’m going over to my friend’s house to play. She called me on the phone. My mom says I get more phone calls on her phone than she gets. Ha ha! P.S. I love you all very much.

Madi’s day: Today in school we are starting a new book in Lit class. For lunch I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I could never do that back home because of all the peanut allergies in schools. Then I showed one of my teachers all the funny pictures on my ipod. I passed the moron test, which is an app. After school Cali got trapped in the bathroom. We got her out. We talked with Jan for a while and then we went home. I cleaned up the upstairs and now it looks really good for when Kier arrives. Then I did some homework, we had supper and I went to bed.

Tomorrow is the very big day!