Tummy Troubles and a Very Clean Floor

Cali didn’t have any more bites on her this morning (hooray), instead she had a stomach ache (awww, no). She was up at 6am. Her lower abdomen hurt. I thought for sure she had some kind of parasite. Last time we were here each of us had intestinal pets at least once, some of us more than once. She knew the drill, we got a stool sample. I was hoping the laboratory where we got test results last time we were here, was stayed open after we left.

Meanwhile Cali was determined to go to school because she was going to go to her friend’s house after school. She just couldn’t bear to miss the playdate and see the fish. She said she felt better and wanted to try to go to school, so we did that. Within 20 minutes of her arriving at school, they called that she wasn’t feeling well. I probably should have seen that coming, but she was determined to tough it out, but couldn’t do it. Madi and I went up to the school to pick her up, and she had gotten worse. One is more aware of the bumpy, jerky tuk tuk ride, when there is a sick person along. The mind wanders. Those rides could bring on labor. Good thing the seats are covered with a thick plastic, for times like these. If I brought a load of barfed on clothing to the laundry lady would she A. Turn me away B. Charge me double or C. Let me actually touch one of those machines and make me do it myself. Before I knew it we were home, and without incident.

At home she got all settled on the couch with cartoons. Good thing Madi doesn’t need to go to school on Fridays. Then I rode the bike up to the lab, it was still there. The same woman was working the desk. She gave me a big smile like I was an old friend. Yes, we were regular customers last time we were here. Her sales will likely double when we are in town. She’s probably planning an addition to her house this very moment. That’s fine, I’m grateful for the service she provides. I hope she enjoys her sunroom.

When I went back out to my bike, there was a dog leaning up against my bike. Not just any stray, a dog that was foaming at the mouth. I’ve never seen anything like it. He had twin beards of foam hanging almost to the ground on either side. Every time he moved his head the beards would whip around his head like nunchuks. Exactly how badly did I want my wheels, and can you get rabies from dog spit smeared on your bike? I decided not to shoo him away, lest that annoy him even slightly. I walked around instead, hoping he’d find a new place to lean.

I bought a few tummy friendly items for Cali. When I got back to my bike, the poor foam-bearded doggie was gone. I rode home.

All this before 8:30 a.m.

At 11 am I went back for the results, she does not have parasites. I was surprised. That’s only the second time we’ve received a bug-free report, ever. She must has some kind of normal boring stomach flu. Who’d’a thunk it?!

The rest of the day we spent trying to distract Cali from her tummy ache, and making her comfortable. I went to Solomon’s Porch and rented two movies, Up and The Robinsons. It’s the best form of distraction when she’s sick. We skyped with Kier, Lloyd, and Paul for a while. Madi showed them around the house.

I won’t go into tremendous detail about our day since the stomach flu in Guatemala plays out the same as the stomach flu in Canada. Hurling is universal, it’s the great equalizer. It knows no class, race, country, religion. It treats all its minions the same. We were in the middle of the first movie when I heard an enormous gush and splatter. That’s right, I said enormous, because it was truly remarkable in a Niagara Falls kind of way. I can’t believe a seven year old’s stomach can hold that volume. She was very upset with the mess, and that she didn’t make it to the bathroom. I kept consoling her, all the while echoing her sentiment in my own head. It took a long long time to clean up, but luckily the floor is tile. It is now cleaner than it has ever, ever been, I’m quite sure.

Madi is getting all prepped for her trip into the city tomorrow to see Avatar with her school. Her food for the day is going to be a turkey sandwich, 4 organic tomatoes that I bought at PanaSuper, two large cans of Pringles, one apple juice box, and 2 Dramamine.

Today when I was riding my bike  I saw three smaller boys on an even smaller bike. One was sitting on the handle bars, the other two boys each had one foot on the bolt that holds in the back wheel, and their other foot on the pedal. Can you picture that? Their stomachs were facing each other above the seat, each boy had one foot on the back, one foot on a pedal, holding on to one side of the handlebar. They were effortlessly co-pedaling down the street at a good clip. That cannot be easy. I also saw a family of four on a motorcycle. The dad was driving, mother sitting sidesaddle behind the dad, arms around him, holding onto a toddler who was fast asleep horizonally in front of his dad, and another older child behind the mom. Again, everyone just chillin’. The only thing that would have made that more impressive is if the mom was serving up soup to the family en route. Here, it could happen.

Cali is too sick to do her blog today. If she feels better, she said she may do it tomorrow. But she still wants to tell you all that she loves you very much.

Madi is opting out of the blog today because she didn’t much care for her day, either.

Cali is still throwing up. I knew that bucket I bought the first week would come in handy. Tonight I will sleep with Cali in the living room, because I’m guessing that projectile vomiting, mosquito netting, and middle of the night disorientation could get a wee bit ugly.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for everyone.