Two Co-operatives, One Tooth, One Grandma Ghost

Today I went with two other women to San Marcos, a little town about 20 minutes from here. We went to visit the pottery and textile co-op. First we drove to Santa Catarina, which is the neighboring small town, then to San Marcos, another small village. There is a distinctive type of pottery to this area. There is one store on Santander that sells it, but the selection at the co-op is much greater. The prices are also better. Both of the other women I was with bought a box full of it. I bought a couple of things. I can always come back to get more. Between the three of us we probably bought $200 U.S. of pottery. It was a good sales day at the co-op. After that we were going to drive up into the mountains to deliver books to a remote school, but we ran out of time. That was too bad, because I would have loved to see a small school, even though I have seen many before.

Co-ops are a great way for people here to make a living and not become totally worn out doing all of the selling themselves. But apparently the only way co-ops form is when a gringo comes in and sets one up. Co-ops are not initiated by the indigenous people, but they will plug into them once they are established. I found this interesting.

It was noon by the time I got back into town. The others were going to the Japanese hotel for lunch and invited me along. It didn’t work for me today. They said the food is very good there. I’ll have to treat myself to some sushi, one of these days.

I had to get home to meet the plumber guy, he’s actually the everything guy. The upstairs sink was leaking. The girls noticed it yesterday morning, but I was already gone for the day. The guy came, figured out what was wrong, will come back tomorrow to fix it. There is also a leak in the kitchen sink. With all the little earthquakes we have, I’m not surprise the plumbing doesn’t stay sound here.

Cali has been very upset by the stories of a dead grandma haunting her school. She said to me last night, “Are you sure you feel comfortable sending me to that school now that you know it’s haunted by dead grandmas and there are guns in it?” Well, there’s a question I don’t get every day…thank goodness. I keep reassuring her that only the police can afford guns here (as if that’s conforting to those of us who know how trustworthy they are). That seemed to ease her mind. I just hope no one tells here a story about a machete killing, because she knows everyone has one of those.

Kier’s friend came over and they watched a movie, made something to eat. They walked into town for salsa classes, then they hung out for about an hour at the Porch. She tuk-tuked it home with two friends who live on this side of the river.

Madi and I stayed home and watched Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Always an evening I enjoy.

Cali’s frog blog: Today I had lots and lots of fun, except for one part. In the beginning of the day I went outside to play. I did the monkey bars and put sand on my hands. When the bell rang my hands were hurting so I had to put more sand on them. When I went to get the sand the swing was still swinging and it hit my eye. (Don’t worry grandpa Ichiro, it didn’t directly hit her eye, more like her cheekbone, she is fine.) When we had recess today my friend and I spied on the grandma ghost to see if we could see her again. We also had art class but we didn’t do anything in there. So in English class we did art. I made a Valentine’s Day card in that class. Then the bell rang and it was my turn to clean up the classroom. That means we need to sweep it. When I came home I had an apple, which made my other tooth come out! Now I get more Q’s. What will I do with all of them, I already have the purse I wanted. So that’s how my day went today, world. P.S. I love you all.